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    There's so much we can do for you, but sometimes it's handy to list some specific offerings.

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    (Im)Maturity Asessments

    A traveller is lost, and eventually comes to a cross roads which has a direction post. But the direction post has fallen down.


    But he knows where he was, and by pointing the arrow that way, the route to his destination becomes clear.


    Detailed maturity assessments can mean spending a lot of time and money to document what you already knew, but our light touch maturity assessment gives you just enough to know where you came from and where you want to get to.

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    Data Quality assessment and improvement

    You say "our data quality isn't very good".


    We say "how good does it need to be?"


    We'll work with your team to understand and execute on:

    • What data do we care about and why?
    • How good does it need to be?
    • How do we measure it's quality - and to what dimensions?
    • If it's not good enough, what do we do next?
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    Regulatory, legal and audit driven activities

    Every firm wants to be data driven, but in many cases, there is an external pressure creating the focus on data.


    In the past, this has included Solvency II, BCBS 239, GDPR and CCPA.


    We don't know the future, but ESG, DORA and the EU AI Act will likely play a part.


    We will work with you on a Gap Analysis and Action Plan, with a constant focus on pragmatism and the avoidance of "gold plating".

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    Launch, relaunch or fix your data governance implementation

    This is where we started and what we still have a passion for. Typical scenarios include

    • The organisation has grown to a point where you can't manage data in an ad hoc way anymore. You need some structure and organisation around it.
    • You put data governance in place (maybe to meet a requirement from a regulator or auditor) but it fizzled out and it's not really doing anything now.
    • You've got a data governance team in place, but the organisation is not getting tangible value from it. It feels like they are nothing more than a cost centre.
    • We've seen data governance at many organisations. We know what works and what doesn't. We've seen things work in one place that failed elsewhere.

    We'll run a project to get you going, or back on track, with coaching and support provided to your colleagues so they can continue to deliver effectively going forward. We'll even help you with the recruitment process to find the right people to take you forwards.

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    Technology selection and procurement

    We know that tools don't solve your challenges by themselves, and people and process will always be a focus.


    We also know that modern data management technology is not just valuable as you scale up, but can also accelerate your initial roll out.


    But those tools range from the thing built by one of your tech people, all the way to multi-million pound roll outs, with all sorts of solutions in between.


    And then there's Generative AI.


    Our typical process includes:

    • Stakeholder research and business analysis to understand the requirements.
    • Exporing the art of the possible and how it can support your organisation's wider objectives.
    • Long-listing mutliple solutions for which we do some initial analysis to find the viable options.
    • Identifying 2-3 options for RFP and challenging them with our use cases.
    • Hello - nice to see you here - you might have found a bottle of wine....
    • Take a screenshot and share it on LinkedIn, tagging us, then let us know. The first person to do so gets the prize. Wine can only be sent to a UK postal address.
    • Cheers!
    • Managing the process through to the client making a final choice.
    • Navigating the procurement process.
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    Extracting value from your data tools

    So you've invested in Data Quality, Data Governance or MDM tools.


    Has it delivered? Have you even got it running in production over the datasets that you wanted to cover?


    Don't worry, it's a common area of failure. And the vendors are just as concerned as you are because an unused tool is one that you won't renew the licence for!


    The problem is often about a lack of engagement with your practitioners, who don't get the necessity or value of a new way of working. We address that through our experience is stakeholder management, change management and our pragmatic approach.

  • Talk to us about your requirements